I'm Colleen LaBorde, and I am a pharmacist (retired in good standing) and an evidential medium. I have worked to hone my skills over the years as a spiritual medium to bring through detailed evidence, or very accurate and precise information in my sessions and groups communicated to me by loved ones that have passed on. My goal is to ensure that my clients know without a doubt that I am connecting with their loved ones in spirit while bringing forth relevant and meaningful messages and musings.
Maybe you've lost someone close to your heart and are interested in how a medium may help. Perhaps you are simply curious about the idea of the continuation of consciousness after physical death. These are two of my own personal experiences that led me to embrace what has become the focus of my work. I love being able to help provide a voice for those on the other side of life, or Heaven, if you like. Mediumistic ability is deeply rooted in my bones, as it runs through the bloodline of both sides of my family. I consider it an honor to facilitate this work and endeavor to do it responsibly and authentically.
As a child and throughout my adolescent years I was very aware of subtle energy and how it interacts with my body, mind and spirit. Fascinated by the unseen world and my ability to tap into it, I was equally intrigued by the science and physical laws of the seen or manifest world we all live in. Melding these two worlds together has been the key for me to be able to explore unlimited possibilities and share this journey with other curious minds. Curiosity expands the analytical mind and can take it to dizzying heights!
Having viewed the world through the lens of empirical science as a pharmacist of 20 years (retired), I take a very different approach to the concept of mediumship. I believe this unique perspective helps my clients integrate their experience in a session more comfortably and with confidence. I enjoy helping people explore their preconceived thoughts about life, death, and the possibility that our consciousness, or soul if you like, continues its journey after physical death. I love learning, and I hope to inspire you to question what we all have been taught about our perceived reality.
Living and working as an intuitive and medium is a life-long experiential development process that is ever evolving. To help hone my skills I've studied under the guidance of notable international psychic mediums Lynn Probert and Tony Stockwell of the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England, and with Rev. Janet Nohavek of The Journey Within in New Jersey. I have also had the honor of studying with Canadian mediums Brian Robertson and Simon James of Inner Quest Centre in British Columbia, Canada.
I now reside in Shreveport, Louisiana on our family farm located on Twelve Mile Bayou. My on-going passion is serving our local, national and global communities as an evidential psychic medium and growing our creative community here in Shreveport-Bossier City with the opening of THE MEDIUM STUDIO. As part of my commitment to our local communtity, I am a regular guest on the radio show "STRATEGIES FOR LIVING" with host David McMillian, LPC LMFT, on KEEL 101.7FM AND 710AM. Join us for enlightening and inspiring conversation on an array of fascinating topics as we explore the mind-body-spirit connection. Dates and times are posted on the banner above!
"Mediumship is magical. It is science yet to be realized; an art imbued with Grace. It presents an exciting opportunity to explore the quantum nature of our existence.
The study of mediumistic ability leads us to this very fundamental question: How do we, as biological and spiritual beings, fit into the patterns and play of the subtle energies that are the foundation of the seen and unseen world in which we live?"

is an expressive and intuitive arts studio that serves as a multicultural center for our creative community in Shreveport and the surrounding area. Housed in an historic 1930's store front in the Highland District it is home to the work of local artists, photographers and intuitive arts practitioners. With its vintage industrial feel and sublime vibe, it is the perfect venue for gatherings of THE GOOD GRIEF CIRCLE, classes and workshops of all kinds.


"A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art does not." -Leonardo da Vinci-
was founded by international medium Tracy Lee Nash, and has found a home in North Louisiana. I am honored to have been selected to open the first chapter outside of California, home to Tracy's ministry Within The Light. TGGC gatherings are small groups ( 10 to 35 people) open to the public by reserved seating only. These groups are demonstrations of evidential mediumship with the medium addressing the group and facilitating connections to those in spirit.

Evidential information, or details about loved ones, are brought forward to attendees along with messages of love and inspiration. Always uplifting and often humorous, their stories are revealed and shared by those in spirit, bringing laughter and tears to those in attendance. I am always amazed and awed by the intelligence, personality and love that comes through during the two hours we spend together. Please understand that in this group setting not everyone present will receive a personal message. However, it is my experience that each person that attends leaves a little lighter and brighter than when they arrived at the studio. The process of living with grief is different for everyone. Connecting with those we have lost through psychic mediumship can be a life-changing experience. Join us and see for yourself!
what people are saying...
"The Studio is so peaceful, calming and inviting. So amazed and astonished with my experience. Point blank... Colleen is 100% real, and I suggest anyone, skeptic or believer, to give her a try.
She doesn't disappoint!"
-Toby B.
"Colleen is the absolute coolest and most gifted person I have ever met. Such a special experience that I will never forget! Colleen is SBC's most precious hidden gem, and I encourage anyone open to
seeing a medium to check her out!"
-Hannah P.
"Colleen is an amazing person! Great atmosphere with a sense of peace and comfort. So emotional and insightful! I really enjoyed all she had to say. It is amazing how much everyone took away from it. A life-changing moment for me."
-Lauren C.
"She is amazing! I felt at peace when I left. I was blessed that my father came through for me. I highly recommend going!"
-Malonie S.